Media Releases

Do we actually need online newsroom management software?

Do organisations need online newsroom management software, or can they just add a news page to their corporate website? The answer to this question is another question; do you want to connect with the media to promote your messages and control the narrative on your brand?’

Media pitch via app & in-browser notifications

Most PR professionals lament the diminishing returns they now receive from press releases delivered only by email. ‘Yes’, the one-on-one email engagements with journalists still deliver strong results; however, the same cannot be said of disseminating messages across a network.

18 Nov - 2 Dec

Launch campaign benefits through Lookatmedia™

Most campaign launches include a PR campaign. Often, these PR campaigns use the same creative material and themes. With advertising campaigns, it’s easy to control when this content is released to the public, as the brand employs everyone involved in disseminating this content. This is not the case with PR.

Which type of journalist is best to tell your story

We can break down journalists into four distinct types: The Storyteller, the Newshound, the Provocateur, and the Systems Analyst. Your goal is to find which kind of journalist is best suited to tell your story and create content that fits their needs. Here’s a brief explanation of each type.

20 Oct - 20 Nov

PR event promotions

Whereas the purpose of PR events may vary, they all have the common goal of increasing awareness and positive exposure. Whereas social media is playing an increasingly important role in the exposure of these events, media coverage is still considered the most important goal.

Need more direct ways to connect with journalists than email?

PR professionals will tell you that the most effective way to get journalists' attention is with a phone call or personalised email. But what if there was an easier, more direct way of connecting with journalists?

Building trust in Educational institutions

Educational institutions play a key role in shaping minds and the future of society and business. They pride themselves as a font of wisdom yet often undervalue media in shaping their futures.

Adapting faster to change

The 2020 Olympics was an example of how sports organisations have had to adapt quickly to fast-changing circumstances. For a start, they had to move the 2020 Olympics to 2021. Due to the pandemic they also had to wait until the very last minute to decide if they would allow spectators. The Olympics has been facing the same issues as many sporting organisations and teams the world over.

Bridging the gap

The public witnesses major transport projects. They see much, but they understand little. This lack of knowledge creates opportunities for disinformation and mistrust. Why allow this to happen when you have a solution like Lookatmedia™?