Media Releases

Separate news from noise

With the increasing interest in biotech updates from the media, it’s tempting to shoot out media releases on just about everything you do. That would be a mistake.

Are you getting enough exposure for your community outreach?

Your community outreach programs are not just important to the communities in which you operate; they also play a broader role in how you are perceived in public and by key decision-makers. Many resource companies don’t get the media exposure they deserve around these activities. Lookatmedia™ can help.

Promoting public policy solutions through the media

Governments don’t need a consensus on public policy solutions to be successful. With every policy change, there will be winners and losers. The key to effective public policy changes is demonstrating that the changes are for the public good.

How to create a Media Kit in Lookatmedia™

Press releases can be helpful tools to get journalists attention, as can access to pre-approved libraries of images and video. Still, sometimes you want to supply an entire kit of information. How do you do this in Lookatmedia™?

The mission of Healthcare PR

Healthcare PR covers a range of organisations in the healthcare sector, from biotech and medical innovations to patient care and even veterinarian companies. With the increasing speed of innovation and strong demand for trustworthy information, Healthcare Public Relations is growing faster than almost any other sector.

The consequences of 24/7 news cycle

The pressure of the attention economy and a 24/7 multi-channel news cycle is testing the mettle of journalists and media groups. Competing for the attention economy reduces opportunities for the media to monetise their content, forcing digital transformation upon traditional media sources.

Building on your Media Releases

Your Media Release needs to be short, succinct and punchy. It needs to show demonstrate that you have a newsworthy story. The subject line should grab the journalist’s attention. It serves as an entrée to a longer discussion with a journalist.

Serving a Media Friendly degustation menu

The media always has an appetite for a good story. Whether it's the latest news, a future event, or just a feel-good story, they're always looking for more to digest. Your new Lookatmedia™ centre allows you to prepare and serve a menu of content that the media finds irresistible.

The latest news on The Latest News

Something exciting has just happened. Something that may not shake the world, but it’s shaking your world, and you want the world to know about it. Rather than send it the old way with a media release, write the story you wish to and illustrate it with the images and video that bring it to life. Tell your story the right way and inspire the media to do the same with Lookatmedia™.