Facts & Stats

The Press Release force multiplier

Press Releases remain a central pillar of PR practices, with as many journalists finding them an essential source of new story ideas. However, they alone are not enough to cater to the needs of a diversified media landscape. Solutions like Lookatmedia™ online newsrooms are a ‘force multiplier’ for Press Release campaigns. Here’s why an online newsroom like Lookatmedia™ is an essential tool for PR departments today.

"Because you might tax it."

When the English prime minister William Gladstone asked scientist Michael Faraday what the usefulness of his electromagnetic device was, Faraday replied, "Someday you can tax it."
This example shows how a scientist sold what must have seemed an esoteric discovery of the time to a curious prime minister who failed to grasp the utility of electromagnetism. What's also fascinating is that this anecdote is doubtful, as it only popped up well after Faraday's death and Gladstone didn't first become prime minister until the year after Faraday died.

Permission to talk about climate change

On May 21, 2022, the Australian federal election demonstrated something important: people are willing to talk about climate change and motivated to act. Overwhelmingly the Australian public changed their focus from the economy to climate in ways that both surprised and shocked the two established pollical parties and the media.

10 Jul - 30 Jul

A Media pitch strategy that expands your journalist database

Most media pitches focus on using press releases and events to tell your story to your existing contacts. Lookatmedia™ uses a technique that achieves this while attracting and building your media contacts. Here's how it's done.

Have you mistakenly believed a news page is enough?

Expecting a journalist to use your ‘news page’ on your website to build newsworthy stories on your brand or organisation is like handing a builder a hammer and asking them to build a house. It’s simply not enough to get the job done. Your PR team is always in ‘push’ mode, sending out press releases and spending most of their time trying to convince journalists that writing stories on your organisation are in their best interest. The fact of the matter is if you are not prepared to treat journalists with respect, then they will return the favour.

Do we actually need online newsroom management software?

Do organisations need online newsroom management software, or can they just add a news page to their corporate website? The answer to this question is another question; do you want to connect with the media to promote your messages and control the narrative on your brand?’

Financial PR in times of crisis

While trust in the business sector has grown in the last few years, there has been a dramatic decline in confidence in the financial services sector. From 2020 to 2021 alone, the 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer shows trust internationally in the financial services sector has dropped by 5 points. Combine this with increasing interest rates, inflation, and the spectre of increased market volatility. It becomes evident that now is the time for financial organisations to prepare for a crisis.

Really connect with journalists

How do you connect with journalists today? What’s the best way to stay connected and create more media coverage of the stories that are important to you? As it turns out, the best way to achieve connection with journalists is through inbound PR, using newsroom platforms like Lookatmedia™. Here’s why.

PR tools for Investor relations

Investor Relations professionals straddle the world of finance, PR, and communications. In each of these disciplines, visual content plays an increasingly important role. In the PR and communications disciplines, images and video are essential elements for connection and engagement. For PR, the media and public demand visual content.