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Getty Images/iStockphoto

Your media strategy is more than just quarterly figures. Lookatmedia™ allows you to create an online 24/7/365 day a year resource full of illustrated media friendly content and is designed to improve how and how often you engage with the media.

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2 years ago

How to get journalists
to come to you

#business #leadership #news #company #stocks #lookatmedia

By Craig Harris

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Getty Images/iStockphoto

Your media strategy is more than just quarterly figures. Lookatmedia™ allows you to create an online 24/7/365 day a year resource full of illustrated media friendly content and is designed to improve how and how often you engage with the media.

#Breaking #Breakingnews #update #newsupdate

It should come as no surprise to you that journalists are under more time pressure than ever before, which is why PR professionals are finding it harder to get a response. Instead of chasing journalists and media representatives, have them come to you. You can implement such a PR strategy with Lookatmedia™.

Retelling a story with a different angle

In a world where the web and social media has become the 'go-to' source for news, Journalists don't want to write about the same topics time and time again. They're looking for new topics, new stories, and new ways to compete for attention. Your new Lookatmedia™ allows you to create lots of content that inspires journalists to come to a topic or subject with fresh eyes, with your brand at the heart of the story.

Providing a well of ideas

Whether you're tourism, FMCG, non-profit, B2B, retail, fashion, mining, finance, manufacturing, government, or any other brand, you have a story that you believe the world needs to know. Lookatmedia™ allows you to create your own media centre with all the content and stories you think would inspire journalists to cover. Now, rather than send press releases and hope for the best, you can publish story ideas that journalists can draw on to create their content.

The end of PR facadism

Getty Images/iStockphoto

Lookatmedia™ provides an opportunity for you to let the media look beyond the façade of your business. Use your Lookatmedia™ centre to build trust with the media and wider community.

#business #leadership #news #company #stocks

The end of PR facadism

The end of PR facadism

Getty Images/iStockphoto

Lookatmedia™ provides an opportunity for you to let the media look beyond the façade of your business. Use your Lookatmedia™ centre to build trust with the media and wider community.

#business #leadership #news #company #stocks

When using any content from this media centre, you must include an attribution for the content creator. Select "I Understand" to proceed to download this image.

Illustrating your stories

Show content as it could be used with images and video to illustrate your stories. Capture journalists and media representatives contact details when they register to download the images and video; they need to create their content. Demonstrate to them that they can come back any time for more content, images, and videos once they've registered. Turn your media centre into the 'go-to' resource that journalist and media representatives return to again and again.