Financial PR

Financial PR

Getty Images/iStockphoto

PR plays an essential role in building and managing the reputations of Financial institutions in both the business and broader public arenas.

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Financial PR
2 years ago

PR 2.0

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By Craig Harris

Financial PR

Getty Images/iStockphoto

PR plays an essential role in building and managing the reputations of Financial institutions in both the business and broader public arenas.

#business #trading #success #reputationmanagement #finance #stocks #economy #reporter #journalist #PRTips #PressRelease #PublicRelations

Businesses in the financial sector understand how quickly their brands can wither under the media's intense spotlight. It seems the media are more unforgiving of finance more than any other sector. Rather than risk damaging your brand and reputation, you could have Lookatmedia™ to help you work with the media to grow.

Managing speculation

Financial companies primarily deploy PR resources to help manage their public reputations and protect the stock value. They battle to build and maintain media relations that build brand value. Lookatmedia™ was designed as a next-level solution to help you build, protect and grow your brand value today and well into the future.

Beyond quarterly reports

For financial journalists, quarterly and annual reports are a staple. Good reports are considered newsworthy. Unfortunately, so are reports that fail to meet expectations. Like price wars in the media, chasing higher and higher results can be dangerous, especially when you are in a development or restructuring stage. Lookatmedia™ provides you with an opportunity to build a more enduring reputation that demonstrates you're more than your last quarterly report.

Beyond quarterly reports

Getty Images/iStockphoto

Focusing solely on financial reporting with PR is a missed opportunity for Financial institutions to build needed trust with the broader community and government.

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Beyond quarterly reports

Beyond quarterly reports

Getty Images/iStockphoto

Focusing solely on financial reporting with PR is a missed opportunity for Financial institutions to build needed trust with the broader community and government.

#business #trading #success #Reputation #finance #stocks #economy #reporter #journalist #PRTips #PressRelease #PublicRelations #news #newsupdate

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Good work

Your good work includes how you treat your people, your role in the community, and ethical practices. Lookatmedia™ provides you with a forum to start these conversations with the media and individual journalists. It allows you to demonstrate that you are an organisation with deep roots, that you nourish the communities you serve and that you have a mission beyond growing stock price. The importance of telling these stories constantly and consistently through the media cannot be underestimated.

Good works

Getty Images/iStockphoto

Increasingly investors and potential employees are looking to become involved with Financial institutions that deliver more tangible and positive benefits to communities. Lookatmedia is how you tell these stories.

#success #reputationmanagement #Reputation #finance#economy #reporter #journalist #PRTips #PressRelease #PublicRelations #news #newsupdate

Good works

Good works

Getty Images/iStockphoto

Increasingly investors and potential employees are looking to become involved with Financial institutions that deliver more tangible and positive benefits to communities. Lookatmedia is how you tell these stories.

#success #reputationmanagement #Reputation #finance#economy #reporter #journalist #PRTips #PressRelease #PublicRelations #news #newsupdate

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Why Lookatmedia™ is essential to the financial sector

Not everyone who influences your success reads the financial press. Some of your news is happening at a local level; much of what you do has a broader community impact. Policymakers listen to all sources of news and information. Lookatmedia™ was designed to help you extend the reach of your media coverage to a wider, more diverse audience, increasing your brand awareness, integrity, and reputation.

Picture this

Getty Images/iStockphoto

Since the 19th century, images have played and essential role its storytelling. Today it’s often the images, not the headline that attracts the readers and media attention. Lookatmedia™ was designed around for illustrated, newsworthy content.

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Picture this

Picture this

Getty Images/iStockphoto

Since the 19th century, images have played and essential role its storytelling. Today it’s often the images, not the headline that attracts the readers and media attention. Lookatmedia™ was designed around for illustrated, newsworthy content.

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Picture this

You may live in a world where spreadsheets are the main form of communication. This doesn't translate into the wider world. Images are the gateway to storytelling in the media, and Lookatmedia™ has possible the world's smartest and most advanced solution to help you add images and videos into your stories and media pitches. It involves a fully integrated enterprise-wide Digital Asset Management solution that allows your team to draw on pre-approved media images and videos. This process increases the quality of your newsworthy content and reduces the time it takes to take stories to the media. Add the right images to any story, and it comes to life.

Combatting criticism

The battle is won or lost before the day. Building a library of media-friendly content, developing more profound, more mutually rewarding relationships with journalists and providing an environment where they can adequately research articles are the first steps in buttressing your brand against criticism. Whether this criticism is the product of internal leaks, competitor misinformation, or assaults on your entire sector, your Lookatmedia™ can position to be able to respond through the media in more than a simple sound bite or the current news cycle.

24/7 support for journalist

Lookatmedia™ was designed for journalists to access the story ideas, research material, images, and videos whenever and however they want. It includes features that allow journalists and media representatives from across the globe to register and download the assets they need to complete their stories without waiting for a response from your team. It also includes options for journalists to make connections with your team for interviews and more specific content.

Lightening the load for your PR team

Much of what your PR team does with the media is transactional. They field requests for images and videos. They answer the same questions repeatedly. They chase up Press Releases with individual journalists. Lookatmedia™ has features that lighten the load for your PR team, making some of these tasks simpler and remove the need for others altogether.

A direct line to the media


Lookatmedia™ has a feature that allows you a direct line to journalists to push breaking news, alerts, and updates. This feature allows you to push your news to the front of the queue.

finance #stocks #journalism #reporter #journalist #PRTips #PressRelease #PublicRelations #news #newsupdate #newsalert

A direct line to the media

A direct line to the media


Lookatmedia™ has a feature that allows you a direct line to journalists to push breaking news, alerts, and updates. This feature allows you to push your news to the front of the queue.

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A direct line to the media

Imagine you have news that you need to get into individual journalists' hands right now. Do you send them an email? Maybe a text or a call? What if you could send journalists who may not even be in your media database news notification instantly? That is just one of the features of Lookatmedia™ that can help you transform your media profile.