More news, more media, more exposure

More news, more media, more exposure

Getty Images/iStockphoto

In a connected world, your either creating the story or the subject of the story. Either way you want to play an active part in the narrative. Lookatmedia™ centre allows you to do this.

#update #newsupdate #online #WorldNews #BREAKING #media

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More news, more media, more exposure
2 years ago

Celebrate your wins and
explain your failures

#business #success #leadership #PR #PressRelease #PublicRelations #news #Breaking #Breakingnews #lookatmedia

By Craig Harris

More news, more media, more exposure

Getty Images/iStockphoto

In a connected world, your either creating the story or the subject of the story. Either way you want to play an active part in the narrative. Lookatmedia™ centre allows you to do this.

#update #newsupdate #online #WorldNews #BREAKING #media

When it comes to trust, corporations have a higher trust ranking internationally than NGOs, government and even media. Hence, it seems counterintuitive to want help from the media to amplify your messages. The reality is that although the media may have dropped in its trust ranking, most people still use media sources to get their news.

The dark and the light

You may only want to celebrate your wins in the media; however, the media is responsible for looking at all the news around your corporation. Lookatmedia™ provides you with a platform to create more detailed and illustrated newsworthy, media-ready content to promote your successes and explain the problems.


The media can be an enriching place to celebrate your wins. Positive media exposure can drive sales, increase share prices, and make access to decision-makers easier. Create and publish illustrated media-ready, newsworthy content to celebrate your wins in your Lookatmedia™ centre. Use the inverted pyramid approach to creating articles that journalists copy, edit and illustrate with the images and video you selected from your Lookatmedia™ Digital Asset Management (DAM) solution.

The cost of silence in a connected world

With the Watergate scandal of 1972, Nixon made two mistakes. The first was burgling the Democratic National Committee's (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate Office Building. The second was the coverup. It is the coverup that has long been considered worse than the crime itself.

Today, information about events and activities spreads at the speed of light. Often the media find out about scandals and coverups from social media. The cost of silence in a connected world can be a catastrophic failure, especially for publicly listed companies. Rather than wait until the media coverage overwhelms your message, use your Lookatmedia™ centre to explain what happened and how you're responding.

Connected business in a connected world

Getty Images/iStockphoto

When your connected fridge tells you what you need to purchase and your phone picks the news you like, then were living in a connected world. Connectivity infiltrates much of our lives and influences the choices we make, which is which its important

#IoT #smart #tech #media #android #Apple #journalist #business

Connected business in a connected world

Connected business in a connected world

Getty Images/iStockphoto

When your connected fridge tells you what you need to purchase and your phone picks the news you like, then were living in a connected world. Connectivity infiltrates much of our lives and influences the choices we make, which is which its important

#IoT #smart #tech #media #android #Apple #journalist #business

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Preparation is everything

The news comes quickly. Wins need to be announced as soon as they are made. Crises need to be managed even faster. Lookatmedia™ allows you to prepare in advance and respond when needed. Lookatmedia™ features a fully integrated, full-featured enterprise-wide Digital Asset Management (DAM) solution. This will enable you to create a 'single source of truth' for all your images, videos, and brand assets. Having this library of content becomes invaluable when you need to create, publish, and amplify newsworthy content quickly and accurately.

The right tools for the job

Lookatmedia™ is more than a tool; it's an entire toolbox. Your Lookatmedia™ solution includes a fully integrated Digital Assets Management solution, a portal to create and publish media-ready news, events, story ideas, stats, facts, and FAQs. It also includes tools to create and publish Press Releases, tools to create media contact lists and dashboards that report on downloads.  Like marketing, PR is a 24/7/365 day a year activity. Lookatmedia™ provides journalists with 24/7/365 day a year, low-friction access to the content they need to tell your stories, making it the ideal media solution in a connected world.

Trust is built, not given

Like any relationship, trust is earned by corporations. Even when that trust has been compromised, the right media strategy can enlist the media to help you regain it.

Lookatmedia™ provides the platform you need to manage that process and empower your PR team to do more, more accurately, in less time and with fewer resources.