
How do you get your timing right with every media pitch?

In a recent Muck Rack journalists survey, about a fourth of respondents attributed their immediate rejection of pitches to bad timing. On average, that means one-quarter of your Media Pitches are dismissed immediately. Confusing subject lines also dramatically increase out-of-hand rejections by journalists. Imagine if you could get the timing and subject lines perfect every time. There is a way.

Online newsroom solution for green energy

The green energy sector is locked in a battle for the hearts and minds of the public. Its foe is the inertia and friction provided by outdated information and the agendas of those who benefit most from the status quo. Lookatmedia™ provides a PR solution designed to change the balance of power in this battle.

How Twitter can improve the success of your media pitches

77% of journalists use Twitter to keep up with the latest news. If you're not using Twitter to expand the reach of your media pitch, you're missing out; however, getting discovered on Twitter is challenging, so here are a few things you need to know and can do to improve your success.

Social Licence and online newsrooms

For those who may not be aware, Social Licence is the level of acceptance or approval that stakeholders and communities extend to projects, sites, companies, or industries. In an era of climate change, where actions in one country impact us all, Social License to operate is high in the media, public, government and businesses agenda. Such a license is based on trust and confidence – hard to win, easy to lose.

This year's ‘must have’ item

On May 29, 1992, Apple launched the first personal digital assistant (PDA) onto the market, the Apple Newton. Apple CEO of the time John Sculley said it was "nothing less than a revolution," He was right; however, Apple's timing was poor. The product was underdone, expensive and ultimately superseded by the much more successful 3M ranges of PWAs. Apple eventually learned from this experience and made sure they got the release of the iPhone just right. The rest, as they say, is history.

The best company press page is not a press page

There is an AdWords campaign for an online newsroom solution that starts with the line 'don't overpay for PR software'. While this may seem an attractive promise, it's leading to organisations committing to PR software solutions that fail to meet the needs of enterprises. In life, there are few exceptions where cheap means better, and when dealing with the reputation of multibillion-dollar originations, cheap is never better.

PR tips for increasing the size of your media database

At the risk of being accused of regurgitating one of the most ubiquitous quotes in business, 'Every battle is won or lost before it is ever fought' - Sun Tzu. This quote is a truism for PR. Every day we check our newsfeeds and see the consequence of a lack of preparation by organizations to engage with the media before a storyline develops.

Branded online newsroom, your way

Choosing an online newsroom solution should work similarly to purchasing a new car; you can buy a base model, or you can change the look or add additional features to fulfil your needs and desires. It would be best if you didn't have to build the car yourself. The technicians who built the car are the best people to help you customise your solution to enhance performance and fit your organisation and people. This is the philosophy that drives the Lookatmedia™ customisation process.

Making a listicle and checking it twice

From seasonal to sale and countless other themes, the listicle has become a retailer's friend in the media.