Getty Images/iStockphoto

Provide the media with VIP access to your cultural event through your new Lookatmedia™ centre. Allow them access to the news, story ideas, images, and resources they need to increase the profile of your brand and events.

#concert #Broadway #live #Tickets #tour #theater #muscial #comedy #art #music #NowPlaying #PR #PRTips #PressRelease #PublicRelations #new

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2 years ago

Building a
back story

#culture #tour #theater #ballet #opera #classical #music #PR #PRTips #PublicRelations #news #lookatmedia

By Craig Harris


Getty Images/iStockphoto

Provide the media with VIP access to your cultural event through your new Lookatmedia™ centre. Allow them access to the news, story ideas, images, and resources they need to increase the profile of your brand and events.

#concert #Broadway #live #Tickets #tour #theater #muscial #comedy #art #music #NowPlaying #PR #PRTips #PressRelease #PublicRelations #new

Press Releases may get a journalists' attention for a review, but are they enough? Do they help create editorial pieces for your organisation? Do they tell the other stories of your history and your mission? Are they enough to give journalists and the media alternative storyline ideas? Your Lookatmedia™ centre can help you tell your whole story. Journalists want to create and publish content about your cultural and arts organisation. All they need is a little help. Your Lookatmedia™ centre was designed to provide this help.

In-depth research

Start by creating News, Events, Story Inspiration articles within your Lookatmedia™ centre. Add Press Releases and answer commonly asked FAQs about your organisation. Invite journalists to media centres and provide them with enough content to build a more in-depth understanding of what you do, how you do it and why you do it. Make it possible to do all of their research in one place. Make it enticing enough that they see your new media centre as a place they visit often.

Evergreen content

The history of your organisation will never change. This is probably true of your mission as well. Telling these evergreen stories on your Lookatmedia™ centre helps journalists and media representatives understand that you are the custodian of an organisation with deep cultural and community routes. That your mission is to entertain, educate and engage with the community and that you have a greater purpose beyond the next ticket sale or next event. Publishing these evergreen stories on your Lookatmedia™ centre is the best way to generate the types of media content that delivers more ongoing support from sponsors, government, subscribers, events and exhibition attendees.

The people behind the creation

Getty Images/iStockphoto

People want to know about the people involved in the production of arts and cultural experiences. Lookatmedia™ allows you to go beyond the Media Release by providing 24/7 access to the resources the media needs to create their content.

#live #tour #theater #muscial #comedy #art #loveart #opera #NowPlaying #PressRelease #PR #PRTips #PressRelease #PublicRelations #new #news

The people behind the creation

The people behind the creation

Getty Images/iStockphoto

People want to know about the people involved in the production of arts and cultural experiences. Lookatmedia™ allows you to go beyond the Media Release by providing 24/7 access to the resources the media needs to create their content.

#live #tour #theater #muscial #comedy #art #loveart #opera #NowPlaying #PressRelease #PR #PRTips #PressRelease #PublicRelations #new #news

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Backstage access

Getty Images/iStockphoto

Months and even years before a show opens, Lookatmedia™ allows you to build anticipation and support through the media. Provide journalists, media representatives and influencers VIP, 24/7 access to the resources to promote your show.

#concert #live #Tickets #tour #theater #muscial #comedy #art #loveart #ballet #opera #classical #music #NowPlaying #PressRelease #PR #PRTips #PressRelease #PublicRelations #new #news

Backstage access

Backstage access

Getty Images/iStockphoto

Months and even years before a show opens, Lookatmedia™ allows you to build anticipation and support through the media. Provide journalists, media representatives and influencers VIP, 24/7 access to the resources to promote your show.

#concert #live #Tickets #tour #theater #muscial #comedy #art #loveart #ballet #opera #classical #music #NowPlaying #PressRelease #PR #PRTips #PressRelease #PublicRelations #new #news

When using any content from this media centre, you must include an attribution for the content creator. Select "I Understand" to proceed to download this image.

One destination for many types of media

Whether it’s a traditional print journalist, television, online publisher, blogger, or social media influencer, Lookatmedia™ provides a ‘single source of truth’ for all media engagement. Create long-form News, Events, Story Inspiration articles and illustrate them with images and video from your fully integrated DAM. Make it practical and straightforward to securely provide pre-approved copy, images and video for journalists to create their own multi-channel content. Promote your hashtags and add links to booking agencies and your consumer website.

Help journalist build their own profiles

Like social media influencers, journalists need to build their own social media profiles and followers. To do that, they need to create their content, and your Lookatmedia™ centre can help. By providing alternate storylines and backstories and optimised images and video for social media and suggested hashtags, you can make it fast and straightforward for journalists to use your content on their social channels. This increased exposure can help increase community, government, sponsorship, and ticket sales while building awareness of your cultural or arts organisation.