The actual impacts of climate change are being felt now

The actual impacts of climate change are being felt now

Getty Images/iStockphoto

WWF reports that in the 2020 Australian bushfires, Koalas suffered a 71% decline across fire grounds. In other parts of the east coast, Koalas are expected to be extinct in the wild within our lifetime.

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The actual impacts of climate change are being felt now
1 year ago

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By Craig Harris

The actual impacts of climate change are being felt now

Getty Images/iStockphoto

WWF reports that in the 2020 Australian bushfires, Koalas suffered a 71% decline across fire grounds. In other parts of the east coast, Koalas are expected to be extinct in the wild within our lifetime.

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It's no longer a case of if climate change is real. Empirical evidence demonstrates that rainfalls and droughts exceed levels that have been recorded for more than 150 years. Rising sea levels have already impacted island nations. How will we arrest the long-term impacts of a changing climate?

Geopolitical impacts

We are already seeing the impacts of climate change refugees, with increasing numbers fleeing zones that can no longer sustain farming and communities. In an island nation, the effects will have further reaching geopolitical impacts. Under international law, once islands are submersed from rising sea levels, those nations lose fishing rights and other strategic and security advantages. This will create political tensions that can erupt into conflicts.

Populations on the move

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The IEP predicts that 1.2 billion people could be displaced globally by 2050 due to climate change and natural disasters.

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Populations on the move

Populations on the move

Getty Images/iStockphoto

The IEP predicts that 1.2 billion people could be displaced globally by 2050 due to climate change and natural disasters.

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Sovereign risk

Many businesses and organisations operate globally. Climate change threatens the stability of communities, economies, and governments, increasing sovereign risk. Business and political environments that may have been stable become predictable with global implications.

Existential threat

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Climate change is and will increasingly create economic, environmental, health and social risks creating uncertainty in countries previously considered safe for investment. Real action on climate change is the only way to reduce the impacts.

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Existential threat

Existential threat

Getty Images

Climate change is and will increasingly create economic, environmental, health and social risks creating uncertainty in countries previously considered safe for investment. Real action on climate change is the only way to reduce the impacts.

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Species extinctions

'Yes', extinctions are a natural part of evolution; however, only 900 species have gone extinct in the past 500 years, whereas we have 35,000 species today, with 25% of mammals, 1 in 7 bird species and 40% of amphibians threatened with extinction. All of these species are threatened by the consequences of human behaviour, including climate change.

The great leap backwards

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The Sierra Nevada Yellow-Legged Frog, California Red-Legged Frog, Chiricahua Leopard Frog, Dusky Gopher Frog, Axolotl, Arroyo Toad, Oregon Spotted Frog, and Amargosa Toad are the most critically endangered amphibians on earth.

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The great leap backwards

The great leap backwards

Getty Images/iStockphoto

The Sierra Nevada Yellow-Legged Frog, California Red-Legged Frog, Chiricahua Leopard Frog, Dusky Gopher Frog, Axolotl, Arroyo Toad, Oregon Spotted Frog, and Amargosa Toad are the most critically endangered amphibians on earth.

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Battling inaction

There are two aspects to responding to climate change: action and communication. You can make grassroots and organisation decisions to help arrest the impacts of climate change. There is also a communication role where you can influence consumers and policymakers. 

Building community awareness


Urgent mostly trumps important with the media. Online newsrooms like Lookatmedia™ help elevate the urgency and importance of your stories on climate action, building awareness among a public hungry for real action on climate change

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Building community awareness

Building community awareness


Urgent mostly trumps important with the media. Online newsrooms like Lookatmedia™ help elevate the urgency and importance of your stories on climate action, building awareness among a public hungry for real action on climate change

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The important role of the media

According to the latest research, the media has a lower overall trust rating than many large brands; however, that rating is starting to climb again. Also, the media has a much broader and diverse audience and the ear of policymakers. It's essential to use your existing communication channels to amplify your policies and actions on climate change; however, if you want to expand your reach to the broader public and policymakers, you need the media as partners. 

Recycle, reuse, and reduce

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The core principles that apply to climate action also apply to online newsrooms. An online resource centre for journalists that fits their purpose creates more opportunities to connect and create more coverage of your climate action plans.

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Recycle, reuse, and reduce

Recycle, reuse, and reduce

Getty Images/iStockphoto

The core principles that apply to climate action also apply to online newsrooms. An online resource centre for journalists that fits their purpose creates more opportunities to connect and create more coverage of your climate action plans.

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A battle of attrition

How you engage with the media on your climate change, you shouldn't limit the response to the occasional press release. You need to develop trust with individual journalists through continuous engagement. It would be best if you also diversified your media contacts beyond your existing or known journalists. A next-generation online newsroom can help you expand your reach and the frequency of coverage on your climate response stories and messaging. It's an effective strategy to combat the natural and earned scepticism of the journalist community fighting against the 'green washing' of brands.

Water, water, everywhere

Getty Images/iStockphoto

The irony is that there is often a shortage of safe drinking water in flooded areas. It's similar to the experience journalists have when seeking qualified, high-quality stories and images on climate action from many online newsrooms.

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Water, water, everywhere

Water, water, everywhere

Getty Images/iStockphoto

The irony is that there is often a shortage of safe drinking water in flooded areas. It's similar to the experience journalists have when seeking qualified, high-quality stories and images on climate action from many online newsrooms.

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